Don't Just Block Cholesterol... Help Your Body Remove It!

Receiving cholesterol results can be shocking and discouraging. Typically, the doctor sets a deadline of 3 months to lower cholesterol naturally or else face the consideration of medication. Like you, most people are worried that the doctor's low-fat advice isn't enough to meet this deadline. And you’re probably right!

If you just follow vague advice such as, “eat a low-fat diet” you might not reach your goals. But, if you do more to remove the cholesterol that’s already in your body, you have a fighting chance. 

It’s not only about what you DON'T eat... but what you DO eat that makes all the difference.

Walnuts fight cholesterol but have 5x more fat than steak

Diet vs Statin

A head-to-head research study showed that the right combination of foods can lower cholesterol naturally just as well as a statin.1  Research continues to pour in showing that a number of whole foods can help lower cholesterol naturally. Foods such as barley, legumes and almonds are great additions to the fight against cholesterol. Even high-fat foods such as walnuts and extra virgin olive oil show benefits for cholesterol levels.

Decades of Cholesterol Lowering Research

One food in particular, oats, has over 60 years of research confirming its ability to lower cholesterol naturally. Oats contain a powerful cholesterol-fighting soluble fiber called, ß-glucan. Oat ß-glucans help remove both sources of cholesterol, the cholesterol made by the body and cholesterol from the diet. 

Everyone knows oats are good for cholesterol; the problem is tolerating enough oats to make a significant difference. Oats for breakfast every day is difficult enough, but thinking about eating it throughout the day is grueling. Adding butter and sugar may fix some of the taste, but that just defeats the purpose.

An Easier Way to Get the Benefits of Oats

If added butter and sugar are not the solution, then eating oats every day can be a challenge. 

USDA Hall of Fame scientist, Dr. George Inglett, set out on a journey to find a better way to get oat's cholesterol lowering benefit every day as part of a heart-healthy diet. 

After years of exhaustive trial and error, Dr. Inglett came up with an easier solution to plain oats that contributed to over $1 billion in product sales in one year.  

But he still was not satisfied....

All Natural Heart-Healthy Solution 

Wanting to create an all natural solution, Dr. Inglett continued his research, trying numerous chemical-free processes. Dr. Inglett found himself up against 3 major obstacles:   

  1. Creating an all natural solution without chemical or enzymatic processing.   
  2. Unleashing the most beneficial portion of oats without losing viscosity like his original solution.
  3. Maintaining the smooth, creamy texture that made his original discovery so popular.

Eventually, Dr. Inglett Made a Breakthrough!

Dr. Inglett's new discovery:

  • Qualified for the FDA Heart Health Claim2
  • Mixed easily into any food or beverage
  • Utilized all natural processing
  • Unleashed the most beneficial portion of oats
  • Maintained the rich, creamy texture of his original product
  • Had an unusually high viscosity at low concentrations

The result of all this hard work is a product we now call Nutrim®. Now the cholesterol lowering power of oats can added to a heart-healthy diet and be mixed with orange juice to improve the texture with a smooth, rich creaminess. Actually, now any food or beverage could have the cholesterol lowering benefits of oats to support a heart-healthy diet. Nutrim imparts such a rich, creamy texture that it can be used to replace fat in most recipes.

The 5 Ways Oat ß-Glucans Fight Cholesterol

Oat beta glucans remove cholesterol as part of a heart-healthy diet! They help:    

  1. Remove cholesterol from the body.    
  2. Inhibit cholesterol absorption.     
  3. Flush fats associated with high cholesterol.     
  4. Replace fats associated with high cholesterol.     
  5. Block cholesterol production when broken down by good bacteria.

» Plant stanols and sterols can be made from synthetic or GMO sources.
» Red Yeast Rice may contain statins, which are not well tolerated by some people.

Nutrim Success Stories

*Results are exceptional. Since everyone is different, results will vary from person to person.

“I know you have top-quality researched ingredients.”
-Daryl P, March 6th, 2020

" I am extremely thrilled and I'm singing your praises to everybody that will listen to me."

Whitney C, November 19th, 2018

"I think that it's a wonderful product and it should be used. Just sprinkle it on anything... it doesn't glob up or do anything. That part is perfect."

William S, March 19, 2018

"This product is a very easy product to take... it has no grittiness, no discomfort at all. It's very easy to take. It has helped tremendously. I would recommend it to anyone. Thank you so much for the product."

JoAnn W, May 25th, 2018

Due to various regulations, we are not able to share testimonials with results on our website. To see actual results click on the links below.

Dr. Citron Recommends Nutrim® Based on His Personal Results

"I am very happy to recommend Nutrim to appropriate patients as it meets my personal criteria of being a natural product with no processing chemicals, is very easy to use/take, and has outstanding potential for results.*"

Start adding the cholesterol lowering power of oats to your heart-healthy diet!    

Nutrim has about 3x more ß-glucans per gram than oatmeal! Don't endure plain oatmeal or defeat your diet with added fat and sugar. Nutrim is a powder that can easily be added to what you already eat. Plus, chemical-free processing and no additives mean there are no questionable ingredients. There is nothing in Nutrim but what is naturally found in oats!

  • No added chemicals, enzymes or preservatives   
  • Non-GMO Project Verified, only one ingredient    
  • Virtually tasteless, no added colors, flavors or sweeteners        
  • Adds a rich creaminess to any food or beverage    
  • Smooth, easy to mix powder that's never gritty    
  • Makes smoothies smoother, milk creamier, and soups richer 

  Don't just block cholesterol, start removing it with Nutrim!

Nutrim® Success Kit

  • One Month Supply of Nutrim
    (2 Nutrim 30 serving cans)
  • Lower Cholesterol Naturally:
    30 Day Guide
  • $45 + Complimentary Shipping

Nutrim® comes with a 90 day
100% money back guarantee.
 Questions? 800 862-0438

Exclusive Savings Today


Standard Shipping Cost


30 Day Guide to Success


2 Nutrim 30 serving cans


Total Savings


Orders before 12pm CST ship same day. Orders within US ave 2-3 days in shipping

More About Your Free Gift When You Order Today

At Nutrim we not only offer effective, all natural products; we strive to help you in every step of your health journey. That is why we've created the 50 page Lower Cholesterol Naturally: 30 Day Guide. Learn about cholesterol lowering foods, increase your cholesterol IQ and try some simple, great tasting recipes. Plus, each day has a new suggestion on how to add Nutrim into everyday meals.

Learn about cholesterol basics

risk factors
for heart

Assess 10 year risk for
heart disease

Track success of 
simple lifestyle changes

Leave No Excuse for Your Next Doctor's Appointment

It can be easy to just keep researching a solution and not take action. But time is ticking and you need to lower your cholesterol naturally today! You are motivated now, but do you have the momentum it takes to reach your goals by your doctor's deadline?

After weeks of choking down oatmeal every day, people have a hard time maintaining their heart-healthy diet. Who can blame them? The reality is, today's food environment makes it hard to stay on track. If you are honest with yourself, you need a little extra help to get to your goal.

You could try an inferior "natural" product, full of GMOs or statins, only to find that it did not work. And you wasted your money! Worse yet, you wasted your chance to lower cholesterol naturally. Don't arrive at your next doctor's appointment regretting that you didn't do enough.

The Nutrim Success Kit comes with everything you need to get started!

2 cans of Nutrim

2 Nutrim 30 Serving Cans
One Month Supply

(Normal MSRP $25 per Can)


Lower Cholesterol Naturally: 
30 Day Guide
(Normal MSRP $15)

Each day reveals: 

  • A new food that helps lower cholesterol 
  • Cholesterol insights
  • Recipes tips to help incorporate cholesterol lowering foods and Nutrim into the diet

Through This Exclusive Online Offer

$45 + Free Shipping

Nutrim® comes with a 90 day 100% money back guarantee. We've never refused a refund for any reason.
Questions? 800 862-0438

Don't want to enter a credit card? Pay with a Paypal or Amazon account on our website.

Nutrim Success Stories

*Results are exceptional. Since everyone is different, results will vary.


“I’m happy with my results! I’m promoting your product where I work. I have placed two orders for my friends because I got such a good result. It’s hard for nurses to believe me. It’s even hard for me to believe. But, I’m so thankful for google search that lead me in your direction .Thank you Nutrim!"

Doris J.

July 2009 via email


“I was so overjoyed that I cried... I think this progress is significant for 3 months — Not only am I a believer I am lifetime customer. Now I did try to watch what I ate but not so much like a diet."

Cynthia C.
July 2009 Via email


 “I started using your product at the end of Jan 2009. I eat instant oatmeal, take 1 flaxseed gel cap 1000Mg and 1 baby asprin each morning. I take 1 scoop of NUTRIM each evening with water. I have not changed my diet that much and my results have been great!!! I have 37 years in the Military and any reading over 200mg/dL is a red flag for deployment and medical screening. This natural product has been a huge blessing to my career. Thanks again.”

Tom C.
Customer Since 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take with medication?

What are the ingredients in Nutrim®?

Does Nutrim® have any side effects?

Is there a guarantee?

How long has Nutrim® been around?

How to use Nutrim

Easy Nutrim® Recipes

Creamy Orange Smoothie
Mix 1 scoop Nutrim® with 8oz glass of OJ

Creamy Soup
Mix 1 scoop Nutrim® with bowl of soup

Rich, Creamy Low-Fat Gravy
Mix 1 scoop Nutrim® with 8oz Low-Fat Broth

Learn over 30 ways to use Nutrim® every day with the free
Lower Cholesterol Naturally: 30 Day Guide to Success!

To learn more about Nutrim®'s Research or Testimonials
 please visit our website

We would love to personally answer any of your cholesterol questions!
Customer Support:  800.862.0438 M-F 7:30a-4:30p CST

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1 Jenkins DJA, et al.  "Direct comparison of a dietary portfolio of cholesterol-lowering foods with a statin in hypercholesterolemic participants"  Am J Clin Nutr  Feb 2005; 81.2:  380-387.
"Nutrim Enhances Food' Nutritional Value." USDA ARS Online Magazine Vol. 46, No. 12. N.p., n.d. Web. Aug 2015.

Oat B-Glucans help lower cholesterol naturally as part of a heart healthy diet. Studies show that 3 grams of soluble fiber daily from oat bran, in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Nutrim provides 0.75g per serving. The reduced risk of heart disease is through the intermediate link of "blood cholesterol" or "blood total- and LDL-cholesterol" Results will vary from person to person.