Cooking Course

Breakfast – Day 1

Lesson 4

Congratulations on finishing the snack portion of this 7 day course. For the next two days, we will be discussing cholesterol-lowering breakfast options. Breakfast is often considered to be the most important meal of the day, so it is important to start off your day right with whole foods. We will begin today by asking you to select one recipe from the options provided in the following link. Click the link to visit the grid and select one viable breakfast recipe for you to try!

Next, we would like for you to visit this link to read a wonderful article titled, “How a Healthy Breakfast Could Curb Heart Trouble”. This article provides tips for a better breakfast, as well as an educational video on added sugar in breakfast. Check it out!

By this point in the course, you already have recipe options for both snacks and breakfast! Congratulations on making it through Day 4 of this 7 day course! Come back tomorrow to receive even more healthy breakfast options!

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